Mrs. Grace Harnagel
2024- Present: 2nd grade teacher at Immanuel Lutheran School
2021-2024: Stay at home mom
2016- 2021: 2nd (3 years), 3rd (1 year) , and 4th (1 year) Grade Teacher
I love spending time with my family, appreciating God’s gifts in nature, pretending I am a contestant on the Great British Baking Show, and reading a good book.
Philosophy of Teaching:
We are all uniquely created by God. I will foster growth based on every child’s individual academic, mental, social, and spiritual needs. I believe every child has gifts and talents given by God. By forming relationships with my students, I can identify, strengthen, and point my students to using those gifts for God’s glory. Every child is a blessing. I want my students to feel welcomed, loved, and safe in our classroom community. My desire is for my students to love learning, develop their faith, and for all of us to grow together.
Classroom Goals:
My number one priority is to develop my students’ relationship with Jesus by sharing His love everyday. My second goal is to create a fun and engaging learning environment that will foster academic growth, so that every student is able to achieve their full potential.