We are a church that is energized by lively engagement in our faith and life. The mission of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School is to invite people in settings to engage more deeply with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the community that bears his name, so that they can discover and fulfill their vocation as disciples.
Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs are friends who bring a calming influence, allowing people to open up their hearts and receive help.
Zillah is our Comfort Dog who interacts with people at churches, schools, hospitals, nursing care centers, events and disaster response situations.
Zillah is available to visit your church, school organization or event. Contact: 636-946-2656 or email zillahtopdog@gmail.com
Follow Zillah on her Facebook page.
Interested in Comfort Dog Ministry?
Church Leadership Team
The Church Leadership Team (CLT) is a group of elected members of Immanuel Lutheran Church and School. Their primary responsibility is to God, each other the ministerial and support staff, the congregation and community. A key responsibility is to define and effectively communicate the vision of the church and school to the congregation.
Stephen Ministry
STEPHEN MINISTERS are lay people in the congregation who receive 50 hours of TRAINING to prepare them for Christian caregiving. The mission of Stephen Ministry training is based on Ephesians 4:12-13 " . . . to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ . . . "
A STEPHEN MINISTER is a Care Giver who is assigned to one Care Receiver to meet for about one hour per week for as long as the Care Receiver has a need for the ministry. The Care Receiver is a fellow member who has requested a Stephen Minister's care. All Stephen Ministry assignments and caring relationships are strictly confidential.
Cancer Companions
Cancer Companions takes a scripture-based look at how our Christian faith can impact a cancer journey. This support group is for anyone IN treatment, BEYOND treatment and their families.
This program has been designed to encourage cancer families to share where they are in their walk with Christ and to provide opportunities for the participants to discover Christ in new and meaningful ways on their cancer journey.
Lessons include:
- Prayer and opportunities to pray
- An in-depth look at key verses concerning suffering, healing, & prayer
- Stories of other cancer survivors that have grown closer to Christ
- Ceremonies for participants to find the quiet presence of God
- Questions to encourage participants to share where they are with Christ
- Stories of Bible figures healed by Christ
The Men’s Club provides an opportunity to increase fellowship among men. They provide support to a variety of service projects and fellowship activities throughout the year. Men's Club hosts 4 BBQ's a year, plus they prepare the food for our Church and School Picnic, Trunk or Treat and Annual Turkey & Sausage Supper.
Women's Ministry
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30
Women’s Ministries connect women with women, encourages them in their walk and relationship with Jesus, and equips them to joyfully serve Him and His Church.
There are many Bible Study opportunities for Women's Ministry, click here for all Bible Studies.
Evening Guild: Meets the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Lower Level of the Fellowship Hall Main Room. This group is for women of all ages. They serve Immanuel in various ways and support many mission projects. Members of the LWML. Contact Debbie Hendricks for more information: 636.248.8205 or womensministries@immanuelstcharles.org.
Mother’s Club Alumni and Friends: Meets the third Tuesday of every month at noon in the Lower Level of the Fellowship Hall Main Room. Alumni and friends who no longer have a child in Immanuel Lutheran School meet for fellowship, and assist in school projects. Contact Kathy Bull: 636.949.0322.
LWML – Lutheran Women in Mission: LWML has a membership of over 250,000 and is the official women’s organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. The LWML focuses on affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ to enable her to be in ministry among the people of the world. Mission Statement: As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.
Women’s Retreat: Once a year we offer a Women’s Retreat held in the Fellowship Hall the Saturday after February 14. This Retreat gives women time to slow down, soak up the Word of God, and bask in the love of Jesus. New friendships are formed and old ones are strengthened.
Prayer Chain: Women with a heart for prayer to serve the members of Immanuel and people in our community. Contact Ruth Wiley for more information or to join: 636.724.0282 or wileycoyote809@sbcglobal.net.
Christ’s Casserole Crew: The CCC makes meals here on campus, then delivers them to those who are experiencing hospitalization, bereavement, family crisis, new baby, etc. Donated homemade cookies go along with the meals. We want to show the love of Christ to those in need in our church family and community. Contact Debbie Hendricks for more information or to join: 636.248.8205 or womensministries@immanuelstcharles.org.
Naomi Circle: Naomi Circle of Friends is a friendly, fun gathering for widows and mature women offering an informal opportunity to share the love of Christ through fellowship, food, and engaging events.
Dorcas Sewing Ministry: The Dorcas Sewing Ministry makes beautiful “little dresses” and “little britches” that are sent all over the world. Contact Betty Moser for more information: 636.724.9866.
Any questions about Women’s Ministries, contact Debbie Hendricks: 636.248.8205 or womensministries@immanuelstcharles.org.